Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Week 15 Prompt

Marketing my library's fiction collection

My library does several things to market our fiction collection. First, we offer "Recommended Reads" on the web page, with links also on Facebook and other social media platforms. Different librarians prepare a Recommended Reads flyer and they are updated each month. They are relevant to what is happening in the month - so they might be diverse reads or women authors or Earth Day related or something like that. They include our electronic materials, too.

Second, we always have several displays, and these are organized by the team leader of the adult section and each librarian has a display to develop each month. These are placed in the main lobby with signage and librarians make sure there are plenty of books in them all month long.

Third, we have our Summer and our Winter Reading Challenge programs. While these do reward people for reading any books, we create bookmarks with books from our collection as ideas for what they can read during the challenge dates. We make displays around these bookmarks and manage those like the other displays. This past winter we had our fiction section closed off for part of the Winter Reading Challenge dates because of some construction. That was a challenge! We created more displays with more books available to try to mitigate the loss for those few weeks, and that helped. 

I can't wait to see what everyone else does!


  1. Hey, Janna! Thanks for the bookmark idea! My little branch doesn't have space for many displays, so I like these outside-the-box ways of promoting books in our collection


Week 15 Prompt

Marketing my library's fiction collection My library does several things to market our fiction collection. First, we offer "Recomme...